Exercise After Brain Injury

For many of us, the new year is the perfect chance to improve our health and fitness after the indulgences of the festive season – but the majority of us soon give up on new year’s resolutions relating to exercise. One of the key mistakes is setting the...

Supporting Headway Thames Valley in 2017

Looking for a challenge in 2017 or searching for a New Year’s resolution? There are loads of great ways to support us!Your support keeps Headway Thames Valley going. Every pound raised and every minute of your time given will help to make a massive difference to...

How to Survive or Thrive at Christmas

Headway UK have put together some tips for people living with brain injury to ensure they have the best possible ChristmasChristmas is a time when families and friends come together to eat, drink, and be merry – or so we’re led to believe.In reality, however, a busy...

Our Fantastic Festive Concert

Christmas is well and truly underway here at Headway Thames Valley. On Wednesday 7th December we hosted Headway Thames Valley supporters, families, friends, trustees and carers for our annual Christmas Concert.As well as a fittingly festive repertoire from our...

Christmas Contributions

This Christmas we have a lot to be grateful for. While we always love to receive monetary donations from our supporters, we are sometimes given important donations of a different kind. The Aliquando Chamber Choir ConcertThank you to everyone who contributed to the...