Advice & Counselling
Occasionally we meet a family who don’t need to access one of our more formal services.
If you have had a brain injury or you are supporting someone who has had a brain injury, click here to make a referral for our services or contact us
clients and families supported at Headway Thames Valley each year
Life after brain injury
I had my brain injury 31 years ago – the result of a motorbike accident. I was the first person to come to Headway Thames Valley when it started in 1987. When I first came here, I was angry as I couldn’t talk and it was very difficult to get people to understand me. I couldn’t move my arms properly. My head would hang and I dribbled a lot. I was in a chair for 4 years, which I found frustrating too. Now I can walk, talk and move my arms!
Headway Thames Valley helped me get my speech back and they did a memory group which helped a lot. It helped me to remember people’s names and faces by using strategies.
I like coming here and chatting with people. I help out in the kitchen with drinks and I do the washing up. It’s nice to be helpful. My dad used to take the micky out of me to try and make me laugh but I would get angry with him. I think the only thing that keeps me going is my Mum. Sometimes when I wake up I feel like I just can’t be bothered to do anything and then other times I know it’s going to be a good day.