Living with Brain Injury Courses

We run Living with Brain Injury Courses at various locations across Berkshire and South Oxfordshire; a collaboration between Headway Thames Valley and the community based Neuro Rehabilitation Team.

The eight week course aims to provide a greater understanding to people of their brain injury and how this is impacting or might impact their daily lives, relationships and ability to cope in different situations. The group will share their experiences and methods of coping as well as getting support from the course leaders and visiting professionals such as psychologists and occupational therapists. The course is a fantastic opportunity to meet others who have had a similar experience.

If you have had a brain injury or you are supporting someone who has had a brain injury, click here to make a referral for our services.


of our clients say they have greater hope for the future since attending our services

“I received really good physiotherapy from the John Radcliffe Hospital and Royal Berkshire Hospital, and also psychotherapy through CBNRT who, respectively, helped me to walk again and cope with all the pessimistic and horrible thoughts.

I was referred to Headway Thames Valley who had put together a group for people living with Brain Injury.

The Living with Brain Injury group was the most incredible thing for me to help ME get back to normal, not just because of all the advice but also befriending others in a similar state to me.

It was AT that point which I no longer felt alone in the world, that I wasn’t the only one going through this.”

Sam, client from Living with Brain Injury group