On Sunday 12th March, Tina and her family hosted a Bingo Night at Pangbourne Working Men’s Club in aide of Headway Thames Valley
Tina organised the Bingo Night to say thank you to Headway Thames Valley for supporting her mum, Angie, after suffering a stroke in 2015.
“Headway have been really supportive to Angie in many ways. In the very beginning they came round to her in hospital and once she had left hospital, Bob [Occupational Therapist at Headway Thames Valley] came round to visit Angie at home.”
Once someone is referred to Headway Thames Valley, one of our clinicians will meet with them either at their home, in hospital or at our centre in Henley. These meetings are an ideal opportunity to discover which of our many services would suit the client’s needs.
“Headway offered Physiotherapy at the MS Centre [in Reading] initially. Angie had been given so many sessions free which was very much welcomed as at first it seemed they were having to pay for everything and to have something offered like this was amazing.
“Not only has this been beneficial to Angie but it has been good for my Dad to meet other people in the same situation.”
The evening was a huge success with around 120 people in attendance. In total, a massive £1070.50 was raised; which will be split between Headway Thames Valley and Action on Hearing Loss. Tina and her family have asked if the money raised can go towards the running costs of our physiotherapy services.
Thank you to Tina and everyone else who was involved in putting on this amazing evening for Headway Thames Valley.